lineThe Novel

Bunyan, John,
The Pilgrim's Progress, pt. 2, 10th edition (London: N. & M. Boddington, 1717).

THE| Pilgrim's Progress| FROM| THIS WORLD| TO| That which is to come:| [rule]| The Second Part.| [rule]| Delivered under the Similitude of a| DREAM:| Wherein is set forth| The manner of his setting out of| Christina's Wife and Children; their| Dangerous Journey, and Safe| Arrrival at the desired Country.| [rule]| By JOHN BUNYAN.| [rule]| The Tenth Edition, with Addition of Five Cuts.| Note, The Third Part, suggested to be J. Bunyan's| is an Imposture.| [rule]| Licensed and Entred according to Order.| [rule]| I have used Similitudes. Hos. 12. 10.| [rule]| LONDON,| Printed for N. and M. Boddington,| at the Golden Ball in Ducklane. 1717.


[cheap design] frontispiece [above the dreaming author: the family on its way from the city of destruction to the promised land]/ titlepage in verso book advertisement/ [8] pp. "The Author's Way of sending forth his Second Part of the Pilgrim"/ p.1-179/ p.[180] books sold by N. & M. Boddington/ 12°.


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Bibliographical Reference

ESTC: t058926.

History of Publication

Cf. The Pilgrim's Progress (London, 1678).link
