lineThe Novel

Behn, Aphra,
All the Histories and Novels written by the late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, 6th edition (London: M. Wellington, 1718).

ALL THE| HISTORIES| AND| NOVELS| Written by the late| Ingenious Mrs. BEHN,| Intire in One Volume.| VIZ.| I. The History of Oroono-|ko; Or the Royal-Slave.| Written by the Command of King Charles the Second.| II. The Fair Jilt; Or Prince| Tarquin.| III. Agnes de Castro; Or,| the Force of generous Love.| IV. The Lover's Watch; Or,| the Art of making Love:| Being Rules for Courtship for every Hour of the Day and| Night.| V. The Ladies Looking-Glass| to Dress themselves by; Or,| the whole Art of Charming| all Mankind.| VI. The Lucky Mistake.| VII. Memoirs of the Court of| the King of Bantam.| VIII. The Nun; Or, the| Perjured Beauty.| IX. The Adventure of the| Black Lady.| [rule]| TOGETHER WITH| The History of the LIFE and MEMOIRS of Mrs. BEHN.| By One of the Fair Sex. Intermix'd with Pleasant Love-|Letters that pass'd betwixt her and Minheer Van Bruin,| a Dutch Merchant; with her Character of the Country and| Lover: And her Love-Letters to a Gentleman in England.| [rule]| The Sixth Edition, Corrected.| [rule]| LONDON:| Printed by J. D. for M. Wellington, at the| King's-Head, against St. Clement's Church in the| Strand. M.DCC.XVIII.


titlepage/ p.iii-viii dedication: Simon Scroop; signed: Charles Gildon/ p.1-464/ [4] pp. books published by M. Wellington/ [2] pp. Plays sold by M. Wellington/ 8°.


{L: 12613.c.33} {O: Douce BB.674}.

Bibliographical Reference

A. Esdaile (1912), 160.


Behn, Aphra (1640-1689).

History of Publication

Cf. All the Histories and Novels written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn (1696).link


p.viii: "Histories", "Novels".
