ÖNB: Cod. 6970 Han
From Marteau
- Information compiled by Olaf Simons
- Project page Marteau:Théocratie du verbe incarné
- Author Philippe de Gentil de Langallerie
- Handwriting Jean-René Meyer
- Begins § 3746, ends § 6210
- Dates Amsterdam, 08-11-1714 to 31-12-1714
- Table of contents in the end of vol. ÖNB: Cod. 6969 Han
- Previous volume ÖNB: Cod. 6969 Han
- Next volume ÖNB: Cod. 6975 Han
Cod. 6969 Han, 6970 Han, 6975 Han and 6973 Han: „Journal chrestien“. Manuscript of a publication designed to bear the title A la gloire de DIEU et a sa volonté Ouverture de manifester bien tôt le secret de faire resusciter les deux temoins, par le dessein contraindre le Pape Antichrist ‘occident a ne plus prende autre grade, que celue d’Eveque de Rome ni affaire d’autres fonctions. […] Imprimé a amsterdam au depens de l’Auteur, qui fait distribuer gratis, al’edificattion et doctribe du publie tout autant d’exemplaires, qui’il y aura des personnes desirans leur salut et celui du prochain. Elles s’addresseront our en recevoir, aux Concistoires des Eglises Reformée Françoises, qui recucillies a amsterdam, a cassel, a breme, a hambourg et a francfort sur oder. The four volumes have numbered paragraphs 1-8248, and are dated 19. June 1713 to c. March 1715, they include previous publications and ongoing correspondences offered as 62 "Discourses". Langallerie acts as a second Jona and attacts the catholic urban centres of Europe.
"L'Auteur" to the "Lecteur", 08-11-1714
Intermediate passages announce what "the author" is about to reveal to "the reader". The insertion of letters is no longer the chief target. Langallerie offers a conversation much like a journalist on topics that come to his mind, mostly induced by reading.
§.4459 Le Catholique Orthodoxe. The debate sets positions in the first person plural "nous". The French King is another addressee. Most of the proclamations of faith are induced by readings of present books he himself is presenting.
King David plays a key role. 450 ff. against Jesuits, Papists, Catholics and Orthodox