ÖNB: Cod. 6972 Han
From Marteau
- Information compiled by Olaf Simons and Lionel Laborie
- Project page Marteau:Théocratie du verbe incarné
- Author Philippe de Gentil de Langallerie
- Begins 20 May 1715, ends 25 May 1716
- Place Amsterdam
- Previous volume ÖNB: Cod. 6971 Han
- Next volume ÖNB: Cod. 6966 Han
- Cod. 6968, 6971, 6972 and 6966: Philippe de Gentil marquis de Langallerie Lieutenant général des armées de France et Général-Feldt-Maréchal, Lieutenant au Civil de l’Empereur Charles VI., Journal comencé a Cassel 1. Avril 1713 et achevé a Stade 13. Juin 1716. Incip.: „J'ay cessé descrire dans ce journal... “ Expl.: '„puis fonction du soir a l'ordinaire. “ Autographon auctoris.
Marginalia: Langallerie bought Claude Jourdan's bookshop in Amsterdam. This volume follows no. 114 (ending on p. 1491). No. 247.
Contents |
2 Amsterdam: Langallerie and Mr Duponsseau, marchant droguiste, visited the latter's brothers, after what Langallerie decided to rent Duponsseau's house for 180 guilders and planned to moved in 7-8 days later. He met with Meyer and discussed his project with him. (fol. 1694)
3 Amsterdam: The Jew Alexandre visited Langallerie about commissions. Shortly after a old French Lieutenant-Colonel on his way to England whom Langallerie had met in Lithuania arrived from Poland to ask for financial support after surviving a shipwreck. Langallerie convinced that Satan was haunting me to make his project fail. Meyer arrived to write to a man in The Hague. (fol. 1696)
4 Amsterdam: Mr Caze tried to dissuade Langallerie from continuing his project, but the latter would not hear it. He worked with Meyer to find money to borrow. (fol. 1697)
8 Amsterdam: Langallerie received Communion from Caluius. He received a divine inspiration in which the Holy Spirit told him that he was the liberator of the persecuted Church. He met Mr de Merriac (?), French captain from Guyenne who had been imprisoned on St Marguerite island (near Cannes) since 1705. Langallerie took pity on him (he was bald and poor) and gave him his old wig and a flag. He believed this is a divine sign that God had sent him Merriac to prepare his naval expedition. (fol. 1701-1702)
9 Amsterdam: Langallerie discussed his naval project with Merriac more in depth. (fol. 1703)
10 Amsterdam: After receiving a divine revelation the night before, Langallerie signed an act before the notary to send 13,000 guilders to five people in Paris and two in Kassel via Mr Alexandre. The latter met with Mauriac (Merriac) to explain to the Jews the role he would play in the naval project. (fol. 1704)
11 Amsterdam: Alexander informed Langallerie that considerable support would come from Hamburg in two weeks time. Langallerie wrote to the Duke of Orléans about his wife's journey to France. Merriac came with the Lieutenant-Colonel from Poland. The former presented his genealogy to Langallerie, who was very impressed. (fol. 1705)
12 Amsterdam: Merriac and the Lieutenant-Colonel, a relative of Mr Chion's, returned. Langalleried convinced that Merriac was sent to him by God to ensure the success of his project. Meyer brought the letter to the Regent and Langallerie had it sent to France. (fol. 1706)
13 Amsterdam: Meyer and Duneisse (merchant) arrived. Meyer introduced Langallerie to the Comte de Linange, Prince of the Empire, who made a strong impression on him and offered to supply Langallerie with men, land and money. Mrs Mendoza wrote to Langallerie to ask for money. He was offended and did not reply. His wifre wrote from Frankfort am Main. (fol. 1707)
14 Amsterdam: Meyer and Merriac arrived. The latter informed Langallerie that they no longer need to worry about money, men and equipement. (fol. 1708)
17 Amsterdam: Morriac arrived from Alexandre's and informed Langallerie that they should receive considerable sums of money the next day to start their project. Meyer and Langallerie read the preface of L'Harmonie des prophéties (by Jacques Massard), which they enjoyed very much. (fol. 1711)
18 Amsterdam: Galatin tried to persuade Langallerie to return to Kassel. Meyer brought him 6 guilders' change for the 20 volumes for Jeanne Guyon's Commentaries on the Bible. (fol. 1712)
19 Amsterdam: A baker and a cook offered their services on Morriac's ship. Langallerie lent Le Cinquième Empire and Les Soupirs de la France to his good friend Morriac. (fol. 1713)
20 Amsterdam: Langallerie met with the […] about a new commercial treaty. (fol. 1714)
23 Amsterdam: Three wonderful news: Morriac to receive two fully equipped ships for sure, he would leave in February with the new commercial treaties, and Langallerie would receive larger sums of money than he anticipated from Hamburg. The defeat of enemies of the Church, Christ's Bride, is approaching. Langallerie, Meyer and Alexandre met to celebrate. The latest gazette spread false news that Protestants were concentrated in Languedoc and not be allowed to leave again unless they convert, to scare Huguenot refugees who considered returning to France from the Low Countries. (fol. 1717)
24 Amsterdam: Langallerie's wife went to France, but their children remained in Kassel. (fol. 1718)
26 Amsterdam: Marquis de Monfort insulted Langallerie, whose project is going well, accord ing to Meyer and Alexandre. (fol. 1720)
27 Amsterdam: Langallerie revealed Morriac's identity and his imminent first journey to Mr de Sauze. He then read psalms and four chapters of the Apocalypse. He stays at Jourdan's and received good news of his intelligence with the […] and Morriac via Alexandre, as well as about their weapon supplies. (fol. 1721)
30 Amsterdam: Honoré, Comte de Saldini (?), Caze and Galantin congratulated Langallerie on raising 50,000 guilders. (fol. 1724)
31 Amsterdam: Morriac and Alexandre informed Langallerie that […] wanted to pay him his revenue from Hamburg the next day. Dunonceau to convert to Protestantism before the consistory next Sunday. (fol. 1726)
W. le G. de Lillmarray est portes ce matin pur voir S.A. [Son Altesse] a amsterdam. Moi secretaire Jean René Meyer burgoiius de la ville de Zurich, anquel j'ai accordé l'honeur, le titre, et le charge de secretaire de la Theocratie du verbe incarné en et reunu lequal me apporté des Nouvelles si bonnes, et si particuliere, qua j'er ay versé des lermes de joye. En remercient mon bon Dieu de tout de yrac# dont il me combl…